Thursday, November 19, 2015


18th November. I love my birthday. Well, who doesn't! The feeling of being remembered by friends and dear ones, and they taking some time off from their busy schedules to call or drop a wish --- Aaah.. so affirmative and content.

This birthday was a special one --- I have completed 30 years here on Earth. 30 years. If you see it as a span rather than an age, you realize it is a big period of time. I don't agree to the saying, "Life starts at 30." Nor do I think that it ends here. And, nor do I get a "mid-life-crisis" kind of feelings. My life till now has been very rewarding and my present stature is the result of these 30 years that I lived. Yes, the thought-process changed, priorities changed, perspectives changed, yet I am the same girl within.

Midway on my life journey (or so do I hope), here's some gyaan on how typically a 30-year old birthday girl feels:
* By now, you know yourself much more. Like what you are good at and what you just hate doing... Career-wise, hobby-wise, chores-wise, and everything-else-wise.
* You now know things might be difficult but not impossible. You start going with the flow.
* You don't just love your parents, you have started to empathize with them. Need I say more? Haha, They are no longer a different generation. But somehow, you can't explain this to your next generation.
* You are now working on some strategies on work, finance, and family. (And you sometimes laugh at your past attitude.)
* You start valuing time.

Cheers, Life!