Monday, August 31, 2015

Testimonial from Dad

I am super-excited to publish this post. We (Mumma and Sid) got a testimonial from Dad. Can I back-date it to a month (or two) ago because I have a long list of pending posts and I "have" to start with this one.
So, I get this following message on Whatsapp from my hubby. I started reading it, thinking it would be another forwarded messaged that he thought I would be interested to read. But as I read on to the details, I realized it is me. And my son. And my husband himself. I realized my dear husband has penned down his feelings and gifted me such a wonderful present. He can be a wonderful writer I tell you.

I so wanted to record it here. More for me than for Sid, to cherish forever. So, here it goes:

Mother-Son bonding:
I had always been wondering why boys are very much attached to their mothers. Well now I get my answer when I see a "Maa ka chamcha" growing up in front of me.
This relationship is very special and very different from any other relationships.
Well, to begin with, she is the best friend and first option for my champion: He would want his mother to do everything for him if there is an option for that.
While going to school, if I am going to drop him then he takes commitment from his mother that she will pick him up in the evening and when the assurance is received, the wrinkles on the forehead are substituted with a heartmelting smile.
He also believes that his mother is capable of fulfilling his every wish and his mother does everything to prove his belief right all the time.
What he gives in return is worth watching - The renderence of his unconditional love at frequent intervals, saying "Enikku snehikkanam" and the intimate hugging to follow the statement.
Well there is much much more worth scribbling here - The naughty smile he gives when he knows that he is committing a mischief, the way he hides behind his mother when the big mischiefs are made and his dose is due from my end, The occasional statement "Enikku Ammene bhayankara ishtaanu " and a lot more!!!

Like a typical Indian mom, I was close to shedding those tears.

Concluding here with a note to my soul-mate: Thank you so much for this treasure. A reassurance that you really appreciate. I would still have nurtured Sid if you had not sent this. But since you sent these words, I shall always try to better myself.

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